About Us

STARS® Well-being offers dedicated and trusted experts who provide training, education and consultancy support through well-being strategy development. Created through personal experience and using evidence-based methods to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, Julie created STARS® Well-being with a simple yet practical approach and one goal in mind – to improve individual and corporate well-being. Focusing on how to support individuals and mentors through mental health difficulties, STARS® Well-being creates a proven positive impact by producing bespoke workshops, led by experts, supporting and teaching businesses, charities, statutory sectors and individuals how to take that step back and reflect on the how, what, where, when and why.

Did you know that according to the CIPD Health and Well-being Survey 2019, 82% of employees are not able to spot the early warning signs of mental health illness and 70% are not confident to have sensitive discussions ? This is where STARS® can really make a positive impact within your organisation.


About our Founder

A natural people person, excellent trainer, engaging speaker and a methodical but emotionally intelligent thinker, Julie is a reliable and trustworthy individual that excels when working with partners that have a force of purpose for mental health well-being.
With over 25 years’ experience in management, training, coaching and mentoring within the private, statutory and voluntary sectors, a clear ability to communicate professionally throughout all levels of a business and a proven results driven drive, Julie has a string of successful roles throughout her career.

Julie is qualified at Masters Degree level, MCIPD, Training, Mindfulness Teacher and Mental Health First Aider for Adult & Youth. This alongside her 25 years’ of passionately working within all three sectors including 12 years in children’s social care and 10 years in a blue-chip company as an HR consultant, have supported Julie in finding her current success as the Founder & Director of STARS ® Well-being.

STARS® Well-being has been inspired by Julie’s daughter and three well-being mentors who supported her whole family on a recovery journey of well-being following a traumatic event. This coupled with Julie’s background in training, project management and her passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others, formed the basis of this inspirational and impactful series of workshops.


Values and Ethos

  • Focusing on ‘reach’ over finance, offering every tenth workshop FREE to a nominated charity*
  • With lived experience of overcoming mental ill-health, we are passionate about improving well-being for all
  • Supporting individuals and organisations to succeed and become fulfilled
  • Empowering individuals with an evidence based model to achieve growth and aspirations

* for every 9 courses sold to one individual organisation a FREE workshop will be delivered to their nominated charity. In the case of individual workshop sales, the 10th workshop will be delivered to a charity nominated by STARS® Well-being

The Stamford Card entitles the holder to a discount on our progams – contact us for details!